Spidey 1 New Suit Wants to Give you Spider Man like Spidey Sense

If you like Spider Man then you will definitely be aware of his ‘spidey sense’ that enabled him to detect incoming dangers before it hit him. This six sense was helpful for the super hero in many instances. It has been one of the power that everyone in the real world would love to have but sadly humans are not equipped with super powers when it comes to natural abilities.

However this problem can be solved and we might as well get the spidey sense thanks to a new suit that has been developed by Victor Mateevitsi. The suit is made up of microphone-equipped modules that have small robotic arms inside them. There are seven arms that are directly attached to the body in the suit.

Spider ManSuit New Suit Wants to Give you Spider Man like Spidey Sense

How this works is simple, the microphone sends ultrasonic reflections towards user’s surroundings and then receives them. It then determines the distance of your body from different objects including trees, cars, buildings, furniture etc based on the ultrasonic waves. When it detects something near to your body the robot arm pushes on the part of the body that is nearest to that outside object. This helps the user to detect things in his or her surroundings and act before its too late.

While this sounds fascinating to us geeks the suit if perfected can be put to use in many revolutionary purposes. Such as it can be wore by blind people who are not able to see what’s in their surroundings. It can also be used by bikers who can wear a suit like this while riding in high traffic areas. There are many other places where an advanced suit like this can be used.

[Discovery /Image Credit: PhotoBucket]

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